2011年6月10日 星期五



由開初好忟憎, 演變成好無奈, 最後明白, 時間令一切轉變

哩幾日都諗左好耐, 從何說起好

心理上當然知咩事, 但我好想講出一d deep down o既野, 令將來自己都睇得明內裡意思

或者, 人總係否認內心一d 自己最真實o既諗法
因為恐懼, 因為怕失望, 所以早o係自己發現時已經不斷否定
但有時, 事實係最超然時, 有d 野, 不認不認, 還須認

如果問我成件事最初發生原因, 咁我一定會答係我動機不良
但問到最深心處時, 其實我自己都知, 因為有一d 野, 我想好完滿咁有一個終結, 期望住事情發展會好似自己所想像咁, 有一個complete n wonderful ending
當然, 我忘記左, 不完美係世界上最完美o既地方, 有d 野, 註定係會遺憾

I always think of: where to fall, then where to stand. So I would try to face the weak points in my life, n get it over n give me more strength to move on. However, I just didn't expect I would fall into a bigger hole. I may not hurt deeply, but the wound I thought it healed years ago, is actually bleeding again. I can't explain why the blood comes out again n actually I tell myself that's stupid n ridiculous, but can't deny that it's a fact.

不完美o既ending, 都係一個complete full stop, just that I didn't realise in the beginning